
third party directives
angular-chartjs Chart.js angularjs directive
angular-file-upload Angularjs file upload
angular-flot An Angular directive to wrap Flotcharts.
angular-summernote AngularJS directive to Summernote
ngSweetAlert AngularJS wrapper for SweetAlert
angular-ui-calendar A complete AngularJS directive for the Arshaw FullCalendar.
angular-ui-map A complete AngularJS directive for the google maps.
angular-xeditable xeditable directive. AngularJS directive for select2 and selectize
ngTable AngularJS ngtable
masonry AngularJS masonry directive
Custom directives
directives/c3.js C3 charts directive
directives/navigation.js Main sidebar navigation directive
directives/offscreen.js Off canvas sidebar directive
directives/card-control-collapse.js card control collapse directive
directives/card-control-refresh.js card control refresh directive
directives/card-control-remove.js card control remove directive
directives/rickshaw.js rickshaw charts directive
directives/vector.js jvectormap directive